Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011


i have been working slowly and steadily on a few new drawings that i have yet to post. the sun has been hiding, and the best photos are the ones i seem to get from dragging my easel out into the garden on sunny days. so, the next remotely sunny day, i will snap some photos of my new work to post.

i hope that 2011 will bring more time. the good news for 2011 is that i will be doing an artist residency during the month of july at the burren college of art in ireland. i am looking forward to having a concentrated amount of time to think about nothing but my artwork. it is the light at the end of my tunnel for the moment.

for 2011 i am going to begin posting more often, whether it is thoughts, photos of things that inspire or interest me, or artwork.
